I'll scratch your back...
We're just like you, busy people who want to help each other out - bringing back that community spirit. We've got time, skills or energy when you don't have. We have tools, we can give lifts, we can clean houses, do gardening, mind pets, look after homes, help sort and tidy up your home.
We've also got people who need some help - like transferring music from CD to MP3, knitting; or a bit of light gardening, small DIY skills, sewing, posting letters, having shopping done and delivered, borrowing tools, taking a trailer of garden waste to the local amenities centre.

We have people who make amazing food for dinner parties, cakes, jams and breads.

Its all about helping each other out; one person helps another, and then that person helps another, and then...
... you scratch someone else's!
Come along and try us out - we're a friendly bunch.

Bracknell Area Meetings
Meetings are 7pm on the first Wednesday of each month at Foxes Den Cafe Benetfeld Road Binfield RG42 4EW. It's got its own car park and there is Wi-Fi so you can get help with CES access and logging transactions.

The next meeting on 3rd July 7 to 9pm will be our AGM with a performance by U3A Rockers afterwards. It's less than a year since our last AGM but it slipped back to September at the start of the pandemic and we're gradually pulling it back to where it used to be.

Coffee Mornings / Afternoon Tea
Coffee Mornings often alternate between Bracknell and Reading or happen somewhere in between. There isn't a June one. Come and meet us at East Reading Festival.

Reading Meetings
The Meet & Greet is usually on the third Saturday of each month at Greyfriars Atrium in Reading between 1pm and 4pm.
The next one is Saturday 20th July 1pm to 4:00pm.

Repair Cafe

Not strictly a LETS event but some members are involved or will be interested in the next Reading Repair Cafe. The next one will be Sunday 21st July at Hackspace Weldale Street Reading 12:30 start, last repairs at 4:30.

Extra Outdoor Event: East Reading Festival

On Sunday 23rd June we'll have a stall at East Reading Festival in Palmer Park from 12 mid day to 6pm. See http://www.eastreadingfestival.co.uk/

Reading Evening Meeting

The last one of these before the Summer was Tuesday 11th June, at the Biscuit Factory in Broad Street Mall from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. It'll be taking a Summer break and coming back in the Autumn - Wednesday 18th September and Wednesday 20th November. Unlike the usual Reading Saturday meeting at Greyfriars Atrium there will be room to present goods for trading.

  • Trades and Skills
  • People and Community
  • LETS Activities
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Come On In

We are running regular meetings at Foxes Den in Binfield.